

能量醫療   作者: 唐娜‧伊頓   譯者:蔡夢璇/譯


The Evolving Science of Bionetics HISTORY OF ENERGY HEALING For thousands of years, indigenous cultures have seen the human body as an energy system with the innate ability to heal. It is only in recent decades that modern-day physicists have uncovered scientific evidence that more and more supports these ancient beliefs. These concepts, all referring to the same principles, are called by many names: morphogenic fields, vibrational medicine, bioresonance, psychoneuroimmunology and bioenergetics; included also are Biophysical Information Therapy (BIT), promoted by Bodo Kohler, M.D. and Wolfgang Ludwig, M.D. of Germany and the use of electrodiagnosis by neurologists such as Michael J. Aminoff, M.D. These visionary concepts comprise the intent of bionetics, the body's own internet system, and it is this "life" system-the human body—that instruments such as the Phazx BodyScan 2010 seek to measure.


